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Introducing Alanna Maria: Women Build Fundraiser

Posted on Apr 13, 2017 2:28:26 PM

“#IBuildBecause as a mother I can’t imagine not having affordable, safe housing for my children.”

Alanna Maria, 2017 women build fundraiser.

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[Video] meet Tara Nelson: Women Build Ambassador

Posted on Apr 7, 2017 1:16:49 PM

Tara Nelson of CTV Calgary is stepping forward to advocate for the need for affordable housing in our city

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Meet Brenda Fischer and her story of building change

Posted on Mar 30, 2017 10:21:49 AM

#IBuildBecause I want to give back to my community and have a chance to work alongside crew leaders, volunteers and homeowners to make a difference for families.

- Brenda Fischer

“It is important to me that I’m able to give back to my community because I have lots of blessings in my life and housing is a basic need that I don’t think we pay enough attention to.”

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[Video] Introducing Monica Kretschmer: Women Build Ambassador

Posted on Mar 27, 2017 12:08:31 PM

Monica is one of six Calgary women stepping forward to advocate for the need for affordable housing in our city

Right now, more than 4,000 people are on the waitlist for social housing in Calgary. Our city is expensive, and women and children are the populations most likely to be affected by unstable living conditions.

Monica, along with five other local women, has taken on the role of Women Build Ambassador, to mobilize the community to address the need for affordable housing through Habitat for Humanity's Women Build

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[Video] Introducing Grace Dafoe: Women Build Ambassador

Posted on Mar 22, 2017 3:21:40 PM

Grace is one of six Calgary women stepping forward to advocate for the need for affordable housing in our city

Right now, more than 4,000 people are on the waitlist for social housing in Calgary. Our city is expensive, and women and children are the populations most likely to be affected by unstable living conditions.

Grace, along with five other local women, has taken on the role of Women Build Ambassador, to mobilize the community to address the need for affordable housing through Habitat for Humanity's Women Build. 

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[Video] Introducing Cassie Hawrysh: Women Build Ambassador

Posted on Mar 22, 2017 9:18:10 AM

Cassie is one of six Calgary women stepping forward to advocate for the need for affordable housing in our city

Right now, more than 4,000 people are on the waitlist for social housing in Calgary. Our city is expensive, and women and children are the populations most likely to be affected by unstable living conditions.

Cassie, along with five other local women, has taken on the role of Women Build Ambassador, to mobilize the community to address the need for affordable housing through Habitat for Humanity's Women Build

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6 Calgary women step forward as Habitat for Humanity Women Build Ambassadors

Posted on Mar 14, 2017 2:49:41 PM


Local women working together to advocate for affordable housing in Calgary

Right now, more than 4,000 people are on the waitlist for social housing in Calgary. Our city is expensive, and women and children are the populations most likely to be affected by unstable living conditions.

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5 things to know to prepare for your Women Build day

Posted on Feb 24, 2017 9:57:11 AM

It's finally here. You've fundraised like a pro and now you're ready to get out and build!

If you've never participated in Women Build or been on a Habitat for Humanity site before, chances are you're wondering a few things. How do I get there? What do I wear? Will they feed me?

 Keep reading to find out exactly how to prepare for your Women Build day.

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6 steps to becoming a successful fundraiser

Posted on Feb 22, 2017 4:15:32 PM

How to go from a first-time fundraiser to an experienced pro

Fundraising can seem a little bit daunting at first, but all it takes is a little persistence and creativity, and we’ve got your back.

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One last round of thanks!

Posted on Jun 9, 2016 4:12:56 PM

Women Build is a huge fundraiser and it takes a the entire city to make it a reality. The organizations below contributed in different ways - some cooked food, some donated money, some fundraised like crazy - but they all had to come together for the event to work. This is our final shoutout to everyone and every company who made Women Build such a great success!

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