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Family story: Amanuel and Yordanos

Posted by Brad Harapiak on Jan 24, 2025 1:39:53 PM

Yordanos, Amanuel, and their 17-year-old twins, Sem and Holy, were eager to take possession of the Habitat home the minute they were signed into partnership. That dream became a reality when they received their keys and were officially Habitat homeowners in January of 2025.    

Amanuel has worked many jobs over the years to provide a better life for his family, sometimes several jobs at once. Even before coming to Canada, he was working multiple jobs in preparation to move to a country where his family would be able to thrive.  

The family is active and busy. They divide their time between picnics in the mountains, visiting Sylvan Lake, and hosting traditional Eritrean coffee ceremonies. Although their schedule is full, the twins still manage to fit swimming, soccer, music, and friends into their full lives.   

A&Y VolunteerAmanuel (left) and Yordanos after finishing their 500 volunteer hours in December 2024

Yordanos is currently completing her English Level 5 certification. Once completed, level 5 means she will be a bi-lingual, fluent English speaker.  

Amanuel is currently employed full-time at a meat processing facility and working for a food delivery service part-time, outside of his 40-hour work week.   

The twins are in their last year of high school. Sem will be attending post-secondary for film editing. Holy plans on taking a year off to work while deciding what she wants to study. She wasn’t planning on staying at home, but she changed her mind once the family was approved and began planning for their new life.  

The family moved into their current rental five years ago. Every year since, their rent has increased. It has gotten to a point where more than fifty per cent of their income is now going towards their rent. If they were to stay in their current rental, they couldn’t afford the cost and also save to put Sem and Holy through post-secondary.  

They will take major strides towards the financial independence they have been dreaming of for many years. According to the couple, the affordable mortgage provided through Habitat will make them feel freer and happier. Although the future is uncertain, between jobs and education, being able to provide a stable home for their family means less stress overall.   

"We are happy and we are ready. We are ready for everything. We are excited and ready to get going.” 


They are already planning how they will decorate and furnish their new home. Both of their children are planning on living with them for the foreseeable future.   

As part of their partnership with Habitat for Humanity, the family volunteered 500 hours towards Habitat construction and assisting customers at the ReStores. 

The prospect of an affordable mortgage, the ability to save, and hopefully be able to work one job, has both parents beaming with pride. When they think of their family’s future, they say that, for the first time in a long time, they are truly happy.