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Build Update: April 25, 2016

Posted by Habitat Admin on Apr 25, 2016 10:11:19 AM

Redstone, Calgary

Redstone - April 25, 2016

  • Redstone is officially open to volunteers on April 26, 2016.
  • Volunteers will be needed to frame exterior and interior walls.

Pineridge, Calgary

Pineridge - April 25, 2016

  • Each fourplex is at a different stage of construction.
  • The first fourplex needs finishing work such as trim, painting and cabinet installation.
  • The second fourplex needs to be insulated and drywalled.
  • The third fourplex is not ready for volunteers yet.

Ravenswood, Airdrie

Airdrie - April 25, 2016

  • Volunteers are needed to finish insulating and installing vapour barrier in the first threeplex.
  • There is also framing work available.
  • Volunteers will be needed to install drywall once the vapour barrier has been inspected.

Big thanks to everyone who has helped us get this far! Head over to https://habitatsouthernab.ca/get-involved/ to sign up for a shift.



Topics: Airdrie, Build Update, News Story, Pineridge, Redstone